The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

PACE TWO SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1954 THE PORT HURON TIMES HERALD TIMES HERALD WANT ADS YU-5-7171 THUMB DEATHS 'Guatemala I fiSinrSl i I u.s. weather bureau map i 4 fX Mr Deportment el Commert ij jCroswe Dance Pupils To Give Charles Crawford Lexington, June 19 Charles Achievement Program Held 300 Women Join In Demonstration Day Will Push New Income Tax Cut Sen. George Telli Of Dem Plans Crawford, 84, retired farmer, died CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Thursday in the home of his protested to the Security Coun- KeCltOl I OniQnt daughter, Mrs. Howard Patter- cil against the "criminal invasion! C.11Q,, 10 -son, Applegate. 0f my country." The 19-PupiLs of He was born in Potsdam, N.Y., Eduardo Castillo Arriola, said the the C6! dance department Oct.

14, 1869 and married Jennie protest had been sent to Henry the Jeanne Foster studios will Brown, July 4, 1892 Cabot Lodge of the United be presented in a recitaL under He is survived by his daughter, Stales Council president. thp Tirm, By BOB INDO Mrs. Patterson; two sons, Kerala, Xhe rebei invadine force re- (Times Herald prm editor Detroit, and vern, Lexington; a w. ennn Dld iiisixucior, orosweu- Three hundred farm women sister. Mrs.

Edith Pyle, Ithaca. men The Guatemalan armv js Lexington High School at 8:15 gathered 1 Thursday in MarysvilleN- 13 grandchildren and 15 about 6 00Q but of p.m. today. High School, for the a a 1: great grandchildren. 'the officers are believed dis- The program is entitled "The Home Demonstration Achieve-i funeral rviees wil be 2 untled the leftist Toy Maker Dream" and will in- k3- a yiS rim U.

S. officials elude fairy princess, French Exhibits made by the groups home. Rev Leslie Collver, Car- 6 Jk td ittl rWn, on display. Methodist pastor, will of-TL and old fashioned dolls. i rifiaro inn hnns urir rw in I a 1 1 NT iWv I7r-'V KP vy V'.

"IV Communist beachhead within re wiU also be a baton airs, lona Macieoa, Mate short range of the Panama Canal, number, toy ballerinas, a rhap sody in reo, sympnony in sequins Home Demonstration Agent, andllon- i i William Bosserman, County 4-H! Pallbearers will be Vern Craw-; Club a sent ford Harold Patterson, James I low Temperature and Area. 1 1 77 and color harmony. Mrs. Harold Nehmer is of the Croswell dance GrouD sineing was led bv Gor-iPatterson- Howard 'Br The Associated pressi Washington. June 19 Senator George (D-Ga) said today Democrats will fight in the Senate to write new income tax cuts into a general tax revision bill that already provides nearly 1 billion dollars in tax relief for corporations and individuals.

The bill was headed for possible Senate debate next week after the Senate Finance Committee Friday formally approved the 875-page House-passed measure that would overhaul the na-t tion's tax laws for the first time in 70 years. 1 THE DEMOCRATS on the Committee had talked of trying to include new income tax reduc-i tion provisions, but they apparently made no move to do so. However, George the Committee's senior Democrat said in an interview Democratic strat-: egists have settled on two alternate proposals for full Senate consideration: i First word ef the fighting was announced here by rebel spokesmen after several days of open mobilization of Col. Castillo's troops through-at Honduras. Kenneth Watson and Carl Weiss.

don Williams, Superintendent, Yale Schools. A movie. "Weight Reduction Through Diet" was Mrs. John KeDy Port Hope, June 19 Mrs. Janet Warrington, shown of Precipitation Expected lomghr -w Vf-r SV 1 ,1 "Ql Temperature Figure Show (m7? The' morning program also UteUy' wi and featured a skit by the West Mus-i Jon? y.

rsldent'ter Guillermo Toriello, however, Bride TOMaht spv Hrm rw.mftnStratin pronn of Vicinity, died ivicarapua of snnnortinff 3 sey Home Demonstration group. ly Friday in Detroit. Detroit. the rebel orces which. h( saidi Cpxp CfiriUor Kelly coUapsed while included nationals of Cuba, the eieO nOWer Mrs.

THP UlPVCVIIir ofhHif mo. tA walking on the street and was uki; i ir.j June IV, 1954 H.3ht ord towt in tnths i Women who have been in ifosoital warper' Central American nationalities, tapers and bouquets of mixed home demonstration work for 25 Vstpii as weU as Guatemalan exiles. He flowers decorated tables ki Cart- or more years were W3dT horn jX 5 185 in "Guatemala will stand wheel Inn for the miscellaneoua gUTLtv fivp vr mpm'her, Rubicon hi Huron 35 onc 3gainst thi? "iminal shower honoring bridelect, Urns Sfr Vr, Count'- sh Mved the last 30 invasien- ianet Warrington, gave by Mrs. nfL SLS t' mfic years in Detroit. Eleanor Pemberton, wife of Ber- Edwin Mayes Mr.

Lawrence He- nl rrZr sh survived bv her hus- wyn Pemberton. Traverse city, MrsPh GoreteW, Mr E4- Frank, Mrs. Stanley Chart er, band sis Stanley died unexpectedly Thursday in A. Parks and Mrs. William Mrs- Rr DPtrit M.r.

her home followine nine weeks Discher. SCATTERED THUNDERSHOWERS will be prevalent in the central Lakes area, the Gulf Region, Florida, and the upper Mississippi and Missouri valley areas tonight. Temperatures will be a little on the higher side in the northeast quarter. (AP Wirephoto Map) T- nSLrZ Z.r 1 Breckon, Port Huron, and illness. Pre at games, played by 40 No.

Mrs Bernard Stager Al-hree brothers Charles and Funeral services will be held guests, went to Miss Gertrude gonac No. Mrs. Charles Jones George Wade of Detroit at 10 a m. Sunday in Traverse Grates. Miss Helen Omowski, and Mrs.

Llovd Young, Belle and Roy Wade, Port Huron. City. Burial will be the ImlayiMrs. Gilbert Shubel, Mrs. How-Funeral arrangements arp in-Township Cemetery.

ard Wheeler, Miss Joan Lazaro- River Mills; Mrs. Harvey Middle ton, Mrs. Frank Olds. Mrs. 1.

To reduce personal income taxes $2,400,000,000 annually by a 5100 increase in personal exemptions. 2. Te sive each taxpayer a 520 annual income tax credit. It was estimated this plan would mean a annual tax cut. Chairman Millikin (R Colo of the Finance Committee would not comment on proposed amendments, but he predicted the Senate would accept the bill about as it came from his group The Eisenhower administration has come out in outright opposition to any new general in Besides her husband, she is wicz.

Mrs. fTanx wamngron complete, pending return of her Claude Armstrong. Mrs. Russell fn ralWOTia husband, who is in California on survived by a son, Robert: her and Mrs. Francis Mazzacappa.

Newell, Brockway; Mrs. Alfred PORT HIRON business. parents. Mr. and Mrs.

H. G. Miss Warrington will become Bliss, Albion, and a brother, the bride of John Blackford in Mrs. Louis Calvelli Warren Bliss, Trenton. N.

J. United Protestant church, to- onoai Tunc 1Q VT re Toca. Thpv werp married in 1935. niffht. Denton, Bullock; Mrs.

Roy Pearce, Mrs. Floyd Winn, Columbus: Mrs. George Ponl. xJ Leslie cs Mr Pmhrtnn'c narpnt arp Fargo Worthwhile; Mrs M' 1 1 ic fln trill, nc ui 1j i Cavanaugh, and Mrs. Herbert Paivpii; AaA fniiAuino Mr.

and Mrs. Truman Pember- rFViwc Cno -L-l n- Houffhton. Lvnn Corners: Mrs. 1 nuunij uFaini 'Into Moving Auto e- cereDrai nemorrnage ai ner Sarah Stein. Mrs.

Frank Simp- b(me son. and Mrs. Charleton Wonch. Jes Reams V. nn- come tax reduction, contending, Michigan Weather Forecast Bt The Associated Pres) Southeast and southwest Lower Michigan Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday with scattered thundershowers northern portions.

South to southeast winds 10-15 mph tonight. Low tonight 68-72. High Sunday 86-92. Lake Huron Southeast to south winds 12-18 mph tonight except becoming rather variable north half tonight. Occasional thundershowers north third today and north half with local thundersqualls tonight.

West Upper Michigan Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday with scattered thundershowers Sunday. Light variable winds becoming east to southeast 8-12 mph tonight Low tonight 52-56. High Sunday 72-78. East Upper Michigan Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday. Light variable winds tonight.

Low tonight 54-58. High Sunday 70-76. Northwest and northeast Lower Michigan Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday with scattered thundershowers. South to southeast winds becoming light variable tonight. Low tonight 62 68.

High Sunday 80-84. Outlook for Monday Continued warm and humid south and central Lower Michigan, with showers and thundershowers northern Lower Michigan and Upper Michigan. Highest temperatures in Detroit one year ago today 92, low 68. Highest temperatures in Detroit this date since 1872, 95 in 1933, low 46 in 1914. The sun sets today at 8:11 p.m.

and rises Sunday at 4 55 a.m. The moon rises today at 10:31 p.m. and sets Sunday at 9.05 a.m. North Street; Mrs. Charles Ding- Capac, June 18 Jess Reams, Anthony Kamendat, 3568 Ab- rf erf rTV rv A rvl A aiv i t-tt bottsford road, the government cannot stand the added revenue loss.

man, Mrs. Arthur Fish, Mrs. rXLm i died in Port Huron sne came to hospjtai aftr a short uines.s. Sheriffs Thursday night that Herman Gracey, Mrs. Hollie 1QO- Mr.

Reams resided in Capac someone threw a sparkler Green. Mrs. Birdella Hupert, Mrs. Lilliar. Lambert, Mrs.

John Je thrp Jm vr the Iast yars- before that through the open window of his McCarty. Mrs. Harry Neal, Mrs. Q' 1 uaugniers, Airs. Uved Flint wher he was em.

car as he was driving at Henry C. Stilrmaa Parsons, Mrs. Arthur P1 th Buick Motor divi- and Water streets. Elva Schenck, slon 01 He was Deputy Sheriff William D. Wilson, Mrs.

an a.n' Sff ,1 aU V-Ser-- Mr. Reams was born April 5, Schurr investigated and found a Slaught, Miss Mrs. Stanley HOWEVER. THE Administra-! tion has backed revenue-losing; provisions in the tax revision' bill on grounds they would cor-! rect long-standing inequities and encourage business expansion and investment. A number of Democrats have attacked the legislation, claiming: it is weighted in favor of big business and the wealthy, but! Administration officials have! contended its benefits would be about equally distributed be-! tween business and I Fridaj AM PM Perlrs 7.15 Concordia 1:35 Cdile 40 ar 3:55 Ivnch 8:10 Benson tore! 05 Cowle 8 4S Hill 6 20 Schwab 55 Budd 8.30 HiU 10 40 Budrt 8'eeiton 10:45 Bar 137 el 7 05 SP Cement 10 45 Bradiey 7:45 Crapo 10 50 Sonora 9:00 Norway 1155 Hemsefjell 9:10 PM Sultana 9:25 Reiss Bros 12:35 Trimble 9 30 Britamolir.e 1:05 Sartori 9:55 Tr Browning 1:15 8 Murphy 10 30 Got Miller 1:30 Hemlock 11.05 -urday AM AM Shaw A MacKaughton 4:15 Brynbarj Townsend 4 20 Dunlap oaskadoc 4:30 Perseus 1:0 Paterson 5.55 Imp Kingston 215 Calcite 6 00 Schiller 3 20 John Irwin 8:30 Corey 2 55 Winnipeg 8.50 Calcit ar 4.00 Dowi Friday AM PM Reserve 9:10 Mudge 3:50 Makeftell 9:20 3:55 McLagan 9 30 Casco ol 4:40 Voorhees 10 50 Paundera 5:15 Victory 10:55 Fdenborn 5:40 8 American 1110 Lackawanna 5:45 PM Imp Kingston 6 50 Hutchinson 12:10 Paul 7:35 Taurus 12:20 Wyandotte 7 SO Arshcroft 12 55 Celcite 7:55 Cambria 1 45 Woif 8:00 Hoistein 1:50 Calumet 8:05 Marshall 2:00 Najade 8 30 Hocheiaga 2.30 House 9:05 StanJev 3:10 John Irwin 9:40 McCuliough 3 15 Brown 10 00 Gary 3 25 Fairbairn 10:35 Alpena 3140 Down atarday AM AM McKellar 12.35 Mathiott 4 20 Tug Whitney 2:10 Girdler 6:35 Hood 2:35 Charles Stevenson, Smiths Creek; TT 'Jh 1895 0ran- Mo- Hls widow is 14-year-old Port Huron bov who Mrs.

Obid Johnson, Wales, and llZ oerf the iormer Jessie Reams. admitted throwing the sparkler. Mrs. Chester Shirkey, Memphis. Charles.

sPada; He also is survived by two He was turned over to his par- fore Lansing; Santo and Ralph sons Garden City, ents MRS. LILLIAN LAMBERT c- 111 xi-iy. an1 wunam, uryoen. ana tnree gave invocation at the dinner. sary aevotions win oe new daughters.

Jeanne Harrington, cf at 8 p.m. Sunday at the Muir Wiphita. Ann Hendricks. Couple County Home Demonstration Brothers funeral home and a Re- Howell, and Betty Lou Gardiner, A.pnt avp parh rf thp 2R-vPa r. uiem -uass wni De ceicDraieo Flint.

Horsem*ns Parade Slated Here Today Administration spokesmen have argued that business expansion would lead to more jobs. Actuallv. the revision bill Slaying members a memento. Monday morning, at the Church Remains are in the Barnard CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Myrtle Labbitt Women's edi of Immaculate Conception by the funeral home where services will tor CKLW spoke at the after- Rev- Robert Mulcahy. Burial will be held at 2:30 p.m.

Monday. hls Wlfe a Pair of shoes, but giv-noo'n session on her experiences be made in Mt- Ix)retto Cemetery. Rev. Ellis L. Fenton.

pastor of jng because he didn't know when she went to Sweden to Samuel 0DesJardins Capac Methodist church, wiU her size He also mentioned the visit her mothers home. "A ril-on June lSlmCel fficiat' Bunal in CapaC wiihm.t oamuei u. remterv he and Mr. arren walked and tle of Mrab hgl0ng resldent; emt6r- the "hundreds" of cigarettes he as the title of Mrs. Labbitt of thl VICinitV; dled today Mrs to she time Mi Bess I Hvde Music Su- Hubbard Memorial Hospital, Bad Bad Axe, June 19 Miss Cora Associated Press photograph-Miss Bess L.

Hvcie, music su Axe, after a brief illness. Sedore, 77, resident many years ers notified of the reunion bv pervisor of Port Huron Schools, He wa, born sDt 5 1Rfln in nf Huron -J5' 1 would provide no adjustments in TIV T. rDftM pr.r nF Some 100 horsem*n, members major tax rates. Its benefits CONTINUED FROM FAufc. u.t Riders would be realized through more which has campaigned for years other riding dubs of lioerai allowances 10 cvfi toi juwu, xo ciean up ontt-a anu and individuals.

IPhenix Citv, told reporters he ya had heard Patterson say only p.m. today in Port Huron. Scouts Clean ScOUtS Clean PqV Tuesday night that "they mighti The riders will parade from trv to get me." Fourth and Court streets to 4 i rip i i i pra ifn i ariicn led community singing in the County, died today after a long rjht into th shi' lh firt r. "f- Lakeside Beach aii iuuii He was a foreman since 1928 illness i "He said 'there's nothing you Military street and thence to do to help me'," Pennington Pine Grove Park. meeting with his wife.

VlvVi rfn ti r-mc u'Hinh thp Ben Pord el A 8 Upson ar Budd of the Remains are in Alden A. Mac- 01 tne rvinde division PM 3 50 4 55 7.25 7 40 "Joe." as Mr. Caruso is known nan virmeu nn u. Hur- Count Road Commisaion. Alpirle funeral home tn ln.aT rpciftanfc trvtr? rcnnrlort Vis.

DesJardins and Miss Ruth Funeral arrangement are in- that h- was worried that he would 7:45 A cleanup bee bv volunteer Recalled, "and the only thing he A western horse show, with workers was held fhursdav at asked was that if they did get bucking stock and show events Lakeside Park beach him. he didn't want them to get will be conducted by the group About 20 Bov Scouts of Troop by with it. And they won't." at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at 1311 Allen 18 led bv Tim Meno. senior; road- miIe utii Sparling- natrol leader, narticioated in re-! ONLY THURSDAY night, just uon io uie diiou 8.up.

Horton were married June 25. complete, -presenting the chairman of each 1914 at Fiimn 8:15 Hill Sonora H'msef 'ell Sultana Hemlock Trimble Sartort DETROIT Vp Friday AM 11.00 Shaw Brynbarge 11 25 Perseus PM Townsend 12:15 Corey 1:20 Paskadoc 1:45 Dunlap 3 11 Schiller 3 15 MacNaughton 3 25 Winnipeg 3:30 Burlington Manzzuui Saturday AM 12:05 Miller 12 41 Firbranch 1 20 Clyde 1 50 Stewart ol 2 20 not recognize his wife. But hi certainty in running to meet her nrw-n fif-ct cierVit Biimricn 1 oven 9:35 wim is-rn. He Ls survived bv his widow: "mes leeple 10 f- "'l- given oy tne Bene iver Aims HailhtA 4Im the Photographers. widow of James chalk, Filion; Mrs.

-Mildred Cox, garet Teeple, 86, M-c f.t group. or-nor-nc 9 55 10:00 1:45 AM 3 00 4. 50 5 15 6.10 moving paper, rocks, and rub- 24 hours before he was slain, Pat- bish accumulated during the terson told a Phenix City church i i Clair ad Mrs. Frances Teeple, died Friday at Lapeer seasick during the Light winter. They also swept the 'group tnai i nave omy a iw-iy- I Pmerson Makesfiell Morgan Soodoc Williams County Home Demonstrrtfon bubbles, Mt.

Pleasant; Three County Convalescent Hospital and hadn-t Wn able to Council for 1954 are: Gene' Hamburg, N. from complication, following a nj tri cement deck of the old bath 1 chance of ever being sworn in a Attornev General." Mrs. Leland Newton: vice chair- ad Kon' DKen Because she cannot yet speak Dowp Friday Pennington said he win a.K uiiMtu rnu.n u.t, Tipra sprvio4s win dp ai w. Mrs Wavne Pohl- secre- aiu- gKuutiuiuitu, 1 M.c English, her conversation was tt iiMf otmn uAn c3rr r.i i DEATHS FUNERALS 1A IlldU, -m th RiW fu. Gov.

Persons to declare marital irf PianpS BLUE WATER DISTRICT tarv Mrs Martin Houston- treas- jMauuinuu aim xu- wi, f-- reiavea rnrougn ner nusDana JF Mrs T.anra Rarvcrwn and Trc npral home KPV. F.verett A. law in Phenix City and that his rniratinn will demand a spe- from Detroit City Airport took icial grand jury and a special pro- off after it but had to turn back jsecutor. the" Betterment asso- when they reached 10.000 fee-t Iciation has been deeply cnucai and were still a long way from Circuit Solicitor Arch Ferrell. CRAWFORD.

CHARLES Who near App.eEat. died J-ar. lT-h rh hom of tuneh'rr Mr Howard Ptter-tcn. arc ar Punral Home. Lenneron Pnral 'er-te- be at 2 00 MondiT.

Burial tU be in long Ceme-tert, of Lexington. it. She told of worrying during the whole crossing that her husband wouldn't be at the dock to meet her. speaking any English and having spent all her money on souvenirs and necessities before embarking, Mrs. Caruso didn't want to be left alone in New York.

torian Ir Llovd Young- recre- John Rapson, both of Bad Axe; Smith will officiate, and burial ation chairman, Mrs. Clifford Mrs Ida Pethers, in British Co- will be in Mt. Hope Cemetery Gracev. and Commumtv chair- lumbia. and Mrs.

Leah Coombs Mrs -Teeple was borii i Aug. 20, man Mrs Wilbur Place Battle Creek. 1868 at Rochester, daugh- Achievement Dav committee Funeral services will be at 3 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wel-chairmen were: Mrs.

Charles P-m. Monday in First Methodist don. Frazer arrangements; Mrs. Ar-church, Bad Axe. Rev.

Robert E. She was married to Mr. nold Hickson exhibits; Mrs. McLean will officiate. Burial Teeple in Elgin, 111.

He died Wavne program; Mrs. will be in Colfax Cemetery. 20 years ago. For many years Arthur Winkel, hospitality, and Remains are in Alden A. Mac- she was employed by the Elgin Mk stanlpv Misnik.

awards. Alpine funeral home. Bad Axe, Watch company and when she iwho normallv prosecutes on behalf of the State. IAMS. MRS.

ELLA L. JET PLANES from Selfridge Air Force Base then attempted to fly to the light. They reached an altitude of 27,000 feet and also had to turn back. Brackett said the jet pilots estimated the light was at least! 60.000 feet up. Mr.

Caruso said that black- V. The Governor ordered Major Gen. Walter J. Hanna. Alabama Adjutant General, to Phenix City immediately with full authority to take whatever steps he considers necessary.

Uniformed National Guard officers stood bv. Cover for the achievement oay ana win oe removea ai noon L-amc Ptr.i -i- haired Mrs Caruso is tired aftr programs was designed by Mrs. Monday to the church. eral years at the Lapeer State on nj jut AM PM Iseltn el 8:20 Ashcroft 6 45 Mancox el 8 5n Cambria 1:20 PM Hocheiaga 7 25 Meteor el 12:25 McCuliough ff 35 Dia Alkaii 1:55 Pindlay 05 Reserve 2 00 Alpena ar 9:10 McLagan 3:05 Stanley 9 13 Makefjell ar 2 05 Garv 8:20 Victory 3 35 Mudge 9.35 Voorhees 4 20 Casco 11 00 Hutchinson 4 30 Saunders Jr 11:00 Taurus 5:25 Edenborr. 11 20 Hoistein 6:15 Lackawanna 11.35 Marshall :45 Down Saturday AM AM Paul 12:45 House 55 Wvandotte ar 1 35 Fairbairn 3 45 Wolf 1 40 I JH Brown ar 4:10 Calumet 2 On McKeilar 5:20 Majade ar 2:20 Wyandotte el 5:45 SAILT STE.

MARIE Friday AM PM Widener 7.30 Mohawk Deer Crawford 9 00 Krupp 8:30 Torondoc 9 00 6 30 Georgian Bay 9 00 Wallace 6 3" Wiliiams 10:30 Watson 7 no Sir Dunn 11:00 Irvm 7:00 Rednrood 11 3r Reiss 7:00 Baker 1130 Heekin 7 30 PM Fritz 8.00 Avers 12 10 Ma-maloa Black River 1 30 Thompson 10 30 Fnck 2:00 Pareny 11 .10 Ireland 2 00 Mau'he 12:00 Ford 4:00 Thompson 12 00 Norco 4 00 Vp -3turdaT AM AM Peerless 12:30 Cornel! 2 00 Norton 1 00 3 00 Falrless 1:00 Wood 3.00 r.d June lgth in a nursing home tn Romeo. are rhe Barnartl Conner Pur.eral Home Memphis, wher services ill be held a- 10 og am Mc.n-dar Bi-ial will be Foresl-Iitti Cemeterr. Detroit. for a e. a.

ieinerion. "Bomz to take it easy Mrs. Walter lams IIT 13 SUlWtCU kT 1.1 1 1 I ii-UiIa A wrioit tt-ltri 1 Cf Memphis. June 19 Mrs Balloons used to gather data from the stratosphere usually are H. Harper, with whom tpr rvir-pn Mr L.

lams. 82, wife of Walter lams, sfte jived. Carriers In Huron TApfintr Tnnifrht 75 to 155 feet in diameter, and Caruso plans to buy another busi- Crime in this southeast Ala- travel from 75.000 to 90.000 feet aiea rnaay in a nursing nome Ti rmar a tr 9 Inner ill sc4r Mrs George Wageter ness here, build a small home i i 1 i i i bama city across the Chattahoo- up Brackett said. Bad Axe, June 19 Rural let- -f Mrs. lams lived 21 years Deckerville.

June 19 Mrs. fnu LU SLUWi WJ' chee river form Columbus, da has fattened on soldiers WAGESTER. MRS. SARAH her home June l-h Funeral be ond-ffed oo am Mon-dar tn S- Patrick Chjrrh Palms Remains be -he Carman Mortuaries. DeckemKe Saturdav but will learn n-ngiisn.

trict ar.d their wives will attend D.e,.arbor.n. moviPg. to. Mem: Sarah Wagester. 83.

Deckerville. a dinner and program tonight in Pms in ane resiaea ai wife of George Wagester, died MRS. CARUSO can already Benton street. Memphis, the last er home Friday night. the Hotel Irwin.

understand a little bit of English. six vears. ana was a memrvpr or cu i on ioti from nearby Ft. Benning. Patterson's death came during two separate investigations of voting in the recent Democratic orimarv elections in which the be removed 'o the familv home the Memphis Congregational rf" rFU7 She.

laughingly told her husband win Funotr af-emoon Punai Two Boats Taken be in Mills Ceroe'err. church tfa ld nothing from -iiuivii. Vior narpnte ttViilp an infant He believes the light seen here this morning could have been caused by the sun's rays bouncing off the side of one i of these balloons. At a height of 75.000 to 90,000 feet the balloons could appear to be motionless to ground observers because they travel only 15 to 20 miles an hour. The fact that the light here Two men reported that their! In addition to her husband, she r- her by speaking in English, tor Kot. from B1ack: is survived bv a sister. Dr. Emma 6 she could understand. Sparrows Pt 3 00 Dor- Friday AM Phenix City lawyer won the Attornev General nomination over 'Lee Porter of Gadsden by a margin of only a few hundred votes. the Democratic nominee.

Pat- terson was assured of formal election in November in this Democratic stronghold of the No paasagea WOLF. HENRY SR. died Irl'h Tale CommunitT Hospi'al Pema-ns are tn the family home Funeral serr ires be a 2 30 p.m 9-in-ria-. ir'ed of 2 00 as pre- louslv announced in Tale Lutheran Ch'irrh Bunal be tn Ilk Township Ceme-err Peek Peters Funeral Home. Yale, la eharre of arranaementa April io, su.

river. Lyon Columbia. Mo. two broth-j by her husband, Arthur R. Brown, 2o71 Cam-ers, She rman yon SOns, Edmund and Kenneth, pau avenue told Deputy Sheriff, Com and 'W ilham Lyon Deckervffle and Martin that his 12-foot Plywood row- Jingtor Pa.

a daughter daughters. Mrs. John boat was taken from Black river Hazel Carlson, Grosse Pointe William east of CamDau avenue Woods: four grandchildren and Orilirphmips 1M3 Water four great grandchildren. Ferf.g. Mt Clemens.

15 grand- street told Police his 14-foor Remains are at the Barnard- children and a great grandchild, street, toic i once nis fnprai home where aer- Rosary devotions will be con- boat and 16-horsepouer outboard Connor funeral home where ser cltriat. thp Morgan Jr PM f.indabury 1 00 Ferbert 1:00 Pontiae 2:00 Arcrurud 2 30 Hanna Jr 2 30 Calcanan faded to the west and disappear-! ed could be explained by the I Mr. Caruso came to this country 30 years ago "to earn more money." After three years in Detroit and here, he returned to Italy for a six-month visit. Mrs. Caruso planned to return with him this second time, but was persuaded by her parents to stay in Italy.

Weir Hudson Girdler Chishoim Block Hindman changing direction of the sun Hatfield PM 5 00 8.00 5 30 6 00 6 00 6:00 30 i no 8 00 8 oo 8 00 9 00 9 30 9 30 9.30 II 00 11:00 11:30 Mi'sehfibre 2 30 Aipocen motor prp takpn from Black vices wiu. oe neia ai tu a.m. river at the rear of his home. Monday. Dr.

Samuel C. Weir, family nome. 'nastor rvf T.ittlefield Boulevard Funeral services will be con- KEAMS. JESS IJied June in Port H-ror Hospital Perflates are In the Bamard Funeral Home. Capar.

where semres will be held at 3 30 pra Monday Burial will be tn Capae Cemetery. Watt Weir Thompson Huint Renvoyle Daridson Marquette Greene Coverdale Superior Although in his frequent let- rays as the sun rose, Brackett; GOV. PERSONS reportedly said- I iplanned to ask FBI Director Edgar Hoover for help. THE Sl-N RA.S sweep across I A heaw powder burn was stratosphere long before the found on Patterson's upper lip. rim of the sun is visible from Lhe Officers theorized it could have ground, and they would first been caused only by a gun being strike the bottom of a high float-shoved into Patterson's mouth, ing balloon, sending off a bril-l The victim's shattered teeth liant reflection, Brackett explain-' stopped one bullet, but another d- 2 30 Finland 3 30 Block 3 3 30 Franti 3:30 Algoway 4:00 Thompson 4 00 1 aBelle 4 00 Lehigh 5 00 Johnstown 5:00 wn Saturday AM 12:30 La Liberte.

Do AM 3:00 Reiss IN PORT HURON HOSPITAL iwill be in Forest Lawn Ceme- Rev. John W. Nagle, pastor, JJf th Lrging parents June 17, to Mr. and Mrs. tery, Detroit.

earning her living as a seamstress! Bobby Fincher, 918 Erie DenniTTealey I Remain, will be the Car-, when her parents died, in 1939, street, a daughter. June 19-FiuTeral ser- funeraJ home torday-bu Word War II was started and June 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Har- vtV.

"movd th'h7 she couldn't get passage. After old K. Dickinson, 1314 Cypress Sunday. Burial will be Mills the nothing could be done STRAITS OF MACKINAC fr Vrtdar AM tore through the root of nis -uen as me sun rose me rays mouth and into the brain. would rise higher on the side of Phenix City has a population the balloon, reducing proportion- DesJARDTNS.

SAMCEL O. Lifelong resident of Ftlion Ti-cimtt, died June tn Hubbard Memorial Hosmtai. Bad Axe Funeral aarrtres will ba hld at 3 00 pra. Monday in Ftrst Methodist Chureh Bad Axe Buna! wall be in Colfa Cemeterr Remains are in A Funeral Home. Bad Axe and win be removed at Bona Monday to the rhtirrh.

street, a son. for Dennis J. Healev. 62.icemeiery' about bringing her over until Mr PM 5 00 "10 10 40 11:40 11:50 fof about 23.000. ately the amount of reflection 'Caruso obtained, his citizenship Hebard Ishpemin? Red Crown Malieta June io, yix.

ana aixs. nw ert L. Pearson. 1133'. Pearl hlS Hry Wolf Sr.

to work in Detroit. 'noted from the ground. way street, a daughter. Melvin. June 19 Funeral ser- Killed On Coaster Rev.

Joseph Canaan will sing June 18. to Mr. and Mrs. vicP for Henrv Wolf 65. who AFTER BECOMING a nattirat.

9.20 Munson 10 10 John Reisa PM Block 4 20 David Weir 4 40 Thompson 5:50 Tp tnrdae AM 12 20 Block I 00 Arcturus J10 Cowle Rn Friday AM 9.00 Cowan McKee Sonj There would come a point In the sunrise when the rays would strike the balloon in such a way as to cast no reflection earthward. Hulst rerbert Llndabury AM 3 20 4 20 6:30 PM seph S. Garcia, 1332 Seventh couin. Mr died Wednesday, will be at 2:30 ized citizen in 1948. Mr.

Caruso street, a son. Healev Burial will be in Holy m- Sunday, instead of 2 p.m., began to make the arrangements June 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Hu Sepujhre Cemetery as previously announced, in Yale necessary to have his wife join bert V. Chancey, 719 Howard: He $on ch- And there was property in Denver.

June 19 AP A 19-! year-old airman was killed Fri-: day night when he was thrown from a roller coaster at Lakeside amusem*nt park. SEDORE, MISS CORA F.airient mane Tears of flfeertdas Township Huron County, died June 19th. Remain arc in Alden A MacAlpine Funeral Rone. Bad Axe Funeral ar-rantrementa are incomplete. Watson To a person on the ground, this Kev.

ti. buch, paiujr, wuiitiaiy to De disposed ot Deiore she A Moran could leave. officiate, and burial will be in 5 20 6:00 6:30 6:40 7:00 9:50 1040 12:00 street, a daughter I James and Ellen Healey and waa m' riborn and reared in Emmett. McDonald, 2896 Krafft road, He survvied by a brother, iFrank, and a sister, Msr. Eliza- June 19, to Mr.

and Mrs. Ches- hoth rwin. and tn niPPs Elk Township cemetery me victim was wenuiiea as could give the impression that Airman 1c Danny C. Coleman the object was moving westward of Houston, Tex. when actually all that was hap- Only minutes before the acci- pening was that the sun' ravs The couple was married in November, 1922.

Mrs. Caruso, now 53 years old, had never been LEGALS THUMB MARKETS PCBLIC fhTARINO PROPOSED St raurtffliu sx r- fi t-i- ter Zaremba, 7977 Imlay City 0n'pncm Township Zonm Ordinance. "Pul.v Jain reiers were moving up Its Side, iiracKett Wallace 9:50 Starbuck Davidson 10:00 Ford Richard Reisa 10 30 Rand Fitzgerald 11:30 Buffington PM Carport McGonagle 4 40 Taphn Shenanfro 5.10 Down aturdaT AM McKtnner 12 10 Sam Mahsr KtrneT 12 3 Tkr Michigan Hutcbiaaon 1 n0 Kopmeier Ctlwa I Siuxa is4 pm. at ciair Township Haa said. Loleman had told friends said Tenta'ie Tet and map raae be im- ed at Tewn.hip home iiw Nea- he liked to stand up in the roller The light was observed in the" man oad ar.Ttime prior heanne rnaatnr hpiaiicp hp ant "-msr cm 75 out of Terrasena.

Mr. Caruso said he was going 8 90 to show her his adopted city and sj country in the hope that she 11111111111 .76 would become as fonid of it as he. road. Goodells, a daughter. all of Emmett.

19, to Mr. and Mrs.i Pea Beam Charles Kohnert, 1207 Twelfth Mrs. Berwyn Pemberton street, a son. Imlay City, June, 19 MrsJoats .1111 AM 40 3:20 4 30 6:40 BT. CI, AIR TOWNSHIP ZOKI'0 kick out of that way." 47e angle with Che earth.


The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.