The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (2024)

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (1)

    @EthanReid 6 дней назад +88

    NK really woke up and said we're gonna make this guy a champion

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (2)

      @carpyet95076 дней назад +3

      I wonder how the bloon solver would have fared in this scenario

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (3)

      @waterrr63326 дней назад +1

      A sentry champion

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (4)

      @BloonHero6666 дней назад +1

      Why not a (sentry) paragon? 😉

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (5)

    @nalv06 дней назад +361

    Of course he’s going to come back. That’s how boomerangs work ;)

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (11)

    @AEwastakenwasalsotaken6 дней назад +73

    I can now finally say Glaive Lord is my favourite tower without getting sent death threats!

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (12)

      @LegendoLight5 дней назад +1

      Same bro. This things been up there as my favorite or close to that

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (13)

      @XxninjaYT4 дня назад


  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (14)

    @rainboweq8886 дней назад +87

    I always use the top Path boomer so im glad its actually worth it now

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (15)

      @LikelyHexoadine6 дней назад

      yea, the silly glaive boi has won :)

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (16)

      @RobBor-ku2rq6 дней назад +5

      remember to put it on close, so it affects every moab passing it with the DOT

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (17)

    @bigbrain82966 дней назад +28

    Honestly, 502 boomerang all the way

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (18)

      @user-lp4gg5dj6i5 дней назад +3

      I wholeheartedly agree

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (19)

      @09dslayer5 дней назад +3

      I did some tests and 502 is better in most cases, the only one I could find 520 better was spaced BADs/spaced tanky bloons

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (20)

    @jacobporter60275 дней назад +12

    “Bouncing up and down like crazy”

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (21)

    @-BasicKal6 дней назад +15

    Glaive Lord is a beginner map stomper and has now went to a solid tower on any map and a beginner map deleter.

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (22)

    @constellar63306 дней назад +7

    5xx Boomer is my all time favorite tower ever since it first came out and im glad its been getting some love in the past updates!

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (23)

    @nicecube27986 дней назад +8

    Glaive lord mains eating good rn

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (24)

    @RBS-Sandy6 дней назад +5

    Boomer is my favorite tower, and FINALLY, glaive lord is back BABYY

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (25)

    @SockboiGamer6 дней назад +4

    Boomerang is my favorite tower so I’m happy it’s getting more love

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (26)

    @epiccharles33046 дней назад +2

    this tower way better now, dependly on the map, 4th tier is better then 4th tier bomb, specialy on half cash

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (27)

    @JumJammerJassy3 дня назад

    I used to absolutely love Glave lord, idk why
    nothing changed i still love him

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (28)

    @snezzzz5 дней назад +2

    glaive lord was always pretty good and fun to use

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (29)

      @Car-rp8dg5 дней назад +1

      It has not always been good on harder maps

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (30)

    @_Ike6 дней назад +2

    I must be the only one who never thought he was bad- ive always loved him, and considered him very worth it

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (31)

      @DrewBoivie5 дней назад

      GL has actually been pretty solid for months. The rehit mechanic added like 15% more popping power at best, and suddenly everyone is losing their mind.
      The straw that broke the naysayer's back or something...

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (32)

      @Car-rp8dg5 дней назад +1

      In harder maps the remit has done MUCH more than 15 percent dps. (Also 15% dps is a really big increase so even if it was just 15% that’s still a reason for it to go from like d to a tier)

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (33)

    @courraffe6 дней назад +2

    1900 views in 47 minutes, bro must keep going!!

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (34)

    @DyalnPickles6 дней назад +2

    Boomerang monkey is my favourite tower

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (35)

    @MoonStaysServing5 дней назад

    She still sadly falls off lategame with the poor moab damage, but the buffs are really nice, and that's the whole point of combining it with other towers - would be too good if she did everything on her own.

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (36)

    @citroxx61266 дней назад +1


  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (37)

    @Xbhagg6 дней назад

    Gl is like water downed monkey version of slim shady.

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (38)

    @los-lobos6 дней назад +2

    Why you gotta do bottom cross path

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (39)

    @RonZhang5 дней назад

    0:57 it is reduced attack cooldown, not reduced attack speed

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (40)

    @SpirantLank.6 дней назад

    Im interested.

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (41)

    @leonardo680785 дней назад

    middle crosspath NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (42)

    @xxoxbamerxx6 дней назад +5

    I hate the fact they put ultra juggernaut in c tier 😭

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (43)

      @DoubleDuck25 дней назад +1

      He's busted on some maps, but extremely terrible on others. It's kinda hard to rank him

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (44)

    @Awesomename166 дней назад +2

    How have 54 people watched a 16 minute video in 2 minutes

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (45)

      @michrisoft6 дней назад +6

      a view isn't only counted once you finish the video?

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (46)

      @Awesomename166 дней назад +1

      @@michrisoft didn't know that thanks for the info

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (47)

      @Alex_Mewtwo5 дней назад

      im not certain but i think a view is 30 seconds

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (48)

    @user-USIF5 дней назад

    It only took 5 updates lol

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (49)

    @olivergro71056 дней назад

    Wouldn't top path village be absolutely broken because of the extra damage?

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (50)

    @BloonHero6666 дней назад +1

    Didn’t ricochet monke knowledge point get nerfed from increasing its pierce to 80 to increasing it to 60?

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (52)

    @wtfox82065 дней назад

    Did Brickell and Etienne get nerfed?

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (53)

    @lampshade65795 дней назад

    "It only took a handful of updates" My guy, they've been buffing this tower since the game cameout. By what means is that a handful?

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (54)

    @TheRedPandalorian5 дней назад

    Would've been more satisfying without the ODS

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (55)

    @halt19314 дня назад

    I was really looking forward to seeing a glaive lord strategy, but geraldo kinda makes all the runs feel same-y :/

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (56)

    @cyber_monkey6616 дней назад +1

    I dont know why bot are comment your video

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (57)

      @coxmana34306 дней назад +1

      its a problem thats been happening for a while just dont reply and report the bot

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (58)

    @pedrovalenti18506 дней назад +1

    Is It better 520 or 502?

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (59)

      @dakzibbon65895 дней назад

      I usually do 502, as then I don't have to worry about leads

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (60)

      @StripeyShima5 дней назад

      502 for lead, general damage increase, and IMO the larger radius works better on most maps for better spinning glaive placement

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (61)

    @ILiekFishes6 дней назад +1

    Comeback implies that glaive lord was ever good

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (62)

    @jemdhar46035 дней назад +1

    4xx alchemist is very bad with 5xx glave lord because of the small blades counting as attacks, it will loose the alch buff immidiatly sometimes maybe even before a main atk because the small blades just consume them instantainiously, permabrew solves this issue though

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (63)

    @horizonbumpy28285 дней назад

    This gameplay is hard to watch... random fast forwarding, not buying/upgrading when you are able... i don't get it

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (64)

    @cyberdemon65176 дней назад +4

    thank you ISAB for oiling up the glaives

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (65)

    @Smiley858846 дней назад

    12s ago stopping first kids btw

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (66)

      @Bentheman246 дней назад

      Nobody cares also bruh

    • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (67)

      @Smiley858845 дней назад

      @@Bentheman24 lol love the attitude I’ve taken these pills called f*cking retarditus

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (68)

    @allwynsjourney22256 дней назад

    51 sec ago and very early also 1st comment, 7th like

  • The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (70)

    @CharlieCoe-kt1ts6 дней назад +1

    1 min, 10 likes, 1st comment

The Glaive Lord Has The COMEBACK Of The Year! (Bloons TD 6) (2024)


Does Glaive Lord see Camo in BTD6? ›

The Glaive Lord itself can't detect camo, but the spinning glaives can pop camo bloons. The spinning glaives will always turn counter-clockwise. Both the spinning glaives and rotating glaives deal bonus damage to ceramics.

Can Glaive Lord pop leads? ›

Glaive Lord's orbiting glaives cannot pop Frozen and Lead Bloons unless you upgrade the tower to Sonic Boom and Red Hot Rangs, respectively.

Is Glaive Lord good on BTD6 Reddit? ›

For games outside of impoppable and CHIMPS, I feel like glaive lord is a pretty solid win condition. It's relatively cheap (compared to other "win condition" tier 5's) and pretty much deletes everything under BFB's. Which isn't a concern because the game only stops at round 80.

What is the range of the Glaive Lord? ›

Long Range Rangs increases the range of the orbiting glaives from 30 to 39.9. Alongside orbiting glaives, the Glaive Lord's thrown glaives now deal 8 damage, additional +8 for Ceramics on hit (further +1 with 5-0-2 crosspath), instead of 1 or 2.

What monkey kills Camo Bloons? ›

Camo Bloons cannot become transparent when they are inflicted with Stun, Freeze, or Acid, or when monkeys with Camo Detection, notably the Ninja Monkey and Sniper Monkey, are selected or in play. When not transparent, any attack can hit a camo bloon.

Can obyn detect camo? ›

He is effective against spaced Reds, Blues, and Greens, and can detect camo. However, his attacks cannot pop Purples.

What kills camo Lead Bloons? ›

On some rounds, you may encounter Camo-Lead Bloons and on special missions. The best way to defend against these bloons are Monkey Apprentice (X/2) as they can pop lead and camo with Monkey Sense. You can also use Dartling Guns (X/2) utilizing the "Depleted Bloontonium" upgrade.

Did Glaive Ricochet get cheaper? ›

Glaive Ricochet price decreased ($1400 → $1300).

Does perma charge see camo? ›

Turbo Charge and Perma Charge require the Bionic Augmentation MK to let their activated abilities give them camo detection. Only works when a bloon leaks. Even so, there is a 40-second cooldown before this special ability can be activated again.

Who is the strongest hero in bt6? ›

Geraldo and Corvus stand out as the best heroes in the game, offering a wide array of abilities and flexibility to handle any situation thrown at them.

Is the anti bloon worth it? ›

The Anti-Bloon has a substantial amount of DPS potential through its main attacks and ability. The massive blast can shut down rushes from a very wide range. However, due to its price, it is mostly used as a late-game option, and thus the ability's actual damage output might seem diminished in comparison.

What is the strongest bloon? ›

The BAD is the strongest & and slowest MOAB-Class Bloon in the BTD series. They take 20,000 hits to destory (however it takes 28,000 hits to destroy on Round 100, due to health ramping), releasing 2 ZOMGs & 3 DDTs.

Is a scythe a glaive? ›

The Glaive is a symmetrical version of the Scythe. Generally flown by Vanduul with more combat experience, they are better armed and have two huge blades/wings as opposed to one on the standard Scythe.

What does Glaiving mean? ›

an archaic word for sword.

Who can see camo in BTD6? ›

Camo Detection in Bloons TD 6
QuincyLevel 5+
GwendolinLevel 3+
Obyn GreenfootLevel 3+ (himself) Level 8+ (druids nearby)
Captain ChurchillLevel 6+
33 more rows

Can the Ninja Monkey see Camo? ›

It has a moderate range of 40. Ninja Monkey is one of two towers in BTD6 to detect camo by default, the other being Spike Factory, but the only to receive the Camo Prioritization target option by default.

Can the vengeful sun god see camo? ›

Can A Vengeful True Sun God detect camo | Fandom. Yes.

What round do camos appear in BTD6? ›

Round 24 - Starts of Camo Bloons. 1 Green Camo, along with some other bloons.


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.